What Does Hope Truly Mean?
HOPE is, Having the Opportunity to create Possibilities through dynamic Experiences.
As I walked down Seventh Avenue, I saw this fascinating, boldly erected sculpture with the letters,
H O P E. I thought to myself how fitting it is to have such a sculpture on display in one of the world's famous cities, New York. At a time when the city has experienced many challenges and many may feel a sense of loss, despair, hurt, anger, it is a pleasant reminder for humanity to see a physical art piece that brings inspiration.
The inspiration gave me the motivation to not only stand in front of this magnificent work of art and snap a photo but to ask myself the question. What does the word HOPE mean to me? An hour before seeing the sculpture, I was surrounded by incredible people; people who are doing amazing work around the globe. I spent three days at an annual Game Changer event spearheaded by Devon Bandison, my coach, and World-renowned Go-to coach for the NBA. The event gave all Game Changers in attendance a new perspective on how they want to carry out their work in life. Personal, relationship and leadership breakthroughs occurred in the most riveting way. The tears that flowed through me were spirited tears. ( Those who know me know that I can tear by the drop of a dime) I can absorb other's joy, pain, and happiness all at once.
Like many who attended the event, I left with a new focus and drive. New goals and projects were in the making. New ideas were brought to fruition and the commitment to do the work was solidified. This brings me back to the word of HOPE. For me, HOPE means:
Having the Opportunity to Create Possibilities through dynamic Experiences. When an opportunity is presented to you, and deep within your core, you believe that is the chance for change, understand that you have a choice to create possibilities for your life. Also, those possibilities become very prevalent when you have an experience. An experience so heartfelt so dynamic, an experience that reminds you who you are and how you want to show up in the world. The Game Changer event was an experience and each time I attend I create possibilities that will last a lifetime.
What does HOPE mean to you? How are you showing up in the world? What are some of the opportunities given you are taking advantage of?
Allison Braham
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