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My Debut Book (Title Reveal Coming Soon)


My forthcoming book (title reveal coming soon) :-) is in progress and I'm so excited to birth it. Originally, the publishing date would have been this month, but I can not tell you how thrilled I am to have it debut in the new year. The process has been fun! I've learned however, that I am a bit of a perfectionist. Yikes! I'm now attending APP (The Association for Perfectionist People Workshop), to help me cope with this problem and hopefully join the recovery group. Heheee lol

This book is my first, my baby, and I'm looking forward to share more about it with you. This book is for those who has ever loved or love their father unconditionally, for the daddy's little girls and daddy's little boys too. For the love of self-love and accepting who you are. For the society who has ever doubted black fathers taking care of their children. For the daughter of the world, for that father who needs reassurance that he's doing a great job raising his children; for that daughter whose love was build on the foundation of her fathers love.

If you want updated information on my debut book, releasing early next year, please subscribe to my blog. Follow me on twitter , Facebook and Instagram. Stay Tuned. :-)

I love and appreciate everyone of you.


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