The Happy Black Daughter book is here!
I am so proud to announce that my book has arrived and in the hands of many. I am the happiest person right now. I’m excited, I’m feeling light. I’m feeling so AMAZING! My books are here!!!!! Yasss! As I opened the box I couldn’t hold back my emotions. I couldn’t help it. My father would be so proud, and of course, sharing this moment with my mother is just priceless.

Just two weeks out and I had my first reader breakthrough! I received a message in Facebook inbox from a reader during the Easter weekend, and with her permission, I am posting her breakthrough moment she had after reading my book. This was what I hoped for while writing my book. This brought tears to my eyes; to know that her prospective has shifted. #changingthenarrative This was AMAZING to read! I’m so HAPPY that the message within my book is being received.

I am officially a published author and there are no words to describe the feeling of accomplishment. I am proud and I can not wait for my elevation and transformation. Changing the stereotypical mindset, and opening that third eye to allow you to see things differently, that's a priority for me.
If you have been following me for the past year, thank you for your support It is greatly appreciated. If you have yet yo purchase your copy of my book, please click the 'Purchase My Book Tab right here on my website or go here :